China Reportedly Building 3,000-Meter Air Base 350 Km from Indian Border - | Indian Army News,Indian & International Defence News

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

China Reportedly Building 3,000-Meter Air Base 350 Km from Indian Border

Reports have surfaced of a new air base under construction in China's Sichuan province, approximately 350 kilometers from the border with India. The base's remote location and proximity to a key transportation artery, Highway S217, have fueled speculation about its intended purpose and potential impact on regional security.

Details about the base remain scarce, but its location away from major population centers suggests a focus on military functionality rather than civilian air traffic. Experts believe it could serve as a crucial logistics hub, supporting Chinese military operations along the S217 highway, which eventually merges with the G318 National Highway, a major route leading towards the Indian border.

The presence of an air base near this transportation network could significantly enhance China's ability to quickly deploy troops and supplies to the border region. While the exact runway length is unknown, speculations suggest it could exceed 3,000 meters, capable of accommodating a wide range of military aircraft, including fighter jets and transport planes.

This development comes amidst ongoing tensions between China and India along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), a disputed border territory. Both nations have been actively developing their border infrastructure in recent years, leading to heightened concerns over potential escalation.

India has responded to China's military buildup by strengthening its own border infrastructure and deploying additional troops. The construction of this new air base is likely to further intensify the ongoing security concerns in the region.

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