Saudi-India defence cooperation pact next month:Chidambaram - | Indian Army News,Indian & International Defence News

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Saudi-India defence cooperation pact next month:Chidambaram

RIYADH: India and Saudi Arabia are all set to ink a defence cooperation pact during the visit of Crown Prince and Defence Minister Salman Bin Abdulaziz to New Delhi next month. "The proposed memorandum of understanding (MoU) for defence cooperation will be signed during the visit of Crown Prince Salman to New Delhi sometime in February this year," Finance Minister P Chidambaram said here in an interview to Arab News.

The proposed defence pact will allow shared use and exchange of defence-related information, military training and education as well as cooperation in areas arying from hydrography and security to logistics. Chidambaram, who held talks with the Crown Prince during his two-day stay in the Saudi capital, said the Kingdom and India "have been able to make significant progress in relationship over the past few years."

A joint panel constituted by Saudi Arabia and India has been working on a draft defence pact, which was agreed upon by Crown Prince Salman and the Defence Minister A K Antony during the latter's visit to Riyadh in 2012.

The recently concluded joint commission meeting (JCM), which was co-chaired by Chidambaram and Tawfiq Al-Rabiah, Saudi Minister of Commerce and Industry , also called for "boosting cooperation in security fields, especially exchange of information to curb crime, money laundering and drug trafficking."

Observing that India and Saudi Arabia have made substantive progress in addressing issues of common concerns, the Indian Minister said: "We will continue to enhance cooperation in addressing common issues." The two sides, Chidambaram said, have also resolved to "enhance cooperation in exchange of information relating to terrorist activities, money laundering, narcotics, arms and human trafficking."

Chidambaram also signed the minutes of the 10th session of the joint commission with his Saudi counterpart Al-Rabiah under which India would reconsider its decision on recent increase in customs duties on chemicals and petrochemicals. Riyadh and New Delhi have agreed to promote "cooperation in the fields of oil, gas and mineral resources." Asked about the prospects for further cooperation in the energy sector between the two countries, Chidambaram said that India imports almost 19 percent of its crude oil from Saudi Arabia. "We could build on our complementaries in the hydrocarbon sector to strengthen our strategic energy partnership," he added. Chidambaram and Al-Rabiah also agreed to appoint nodal points to set up the proposed USD 750 million India-Saudi Investment Fund.

On commercial front, he said Saudi Arabia and India have agreed to work closely in "a broad range of areas", that will eventually lead to signing of some MoUs in those sectors in near future with a focus on development and economic cooperation. He said the two countries have agreed to enhance the cooperation in energy, pharmaceutical, textile, education, tourism and vocational training.

Chidambaram said that he and Tawfiq Al-Rabiah reviewed the progress made by the two countries in various sectors including trade and investment, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, higher education, civil aviation, tourism and culture and security affairs.

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