Indian Navy participates in Milan 2014 exercise with other nations - | Indian Army News,Indian & International Defence News

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Indian Navy participates in Milan 2014 exercise with other nations

17 nations, including India, came together in Milan 2014 biennial exercise making it the biggest edition since its inception in 1995. The exercise is conducted by the Indian Navy at the Andaman and Nicobar Islands with friendly countries in the Indo-Pacific region.

15 ships manoeuvered in perfect harmony in the clear Andaman Sea on a balmy morning in early February making for a grand culmination of the Milan 2014 exercise of Navies at Port Blair.

The 15 ships first got into a formation of three rows led by the Indian Navy ships INS Kesri, INS Saryu and INS Investigator.

The INS Saryu was leading the row in the centre with INS Kesri to its starboard (right) and INS Investigator on his left.

After sailing in this formation for some time, the INS Saryu was the only one that sailed along its original route. The others fell in straight line formation behind the ships that were following the flagship.

One by one, they passed the flagship that had taken a U-turn to face the other ships. This part of the exercise is known as the Steampast.

It was the first time that countries from the western IOR participated including two African nations viz Kenya and Tanzania; island nations of Mauritius, Maldives and Seychelles. It was also the first time that Philippines and Cambodia participated.

It was the first time that countries from the western IOR participated including two African nations viz Kenya and Tanzania; island nations of Mauritius, Maldives and Seychelles. It was also the first time that Philippines and Cambodia participated.

In addition to fly Past by aircraft of the Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force, the parade included an operational demonstration of the Indian Navy involving covert operations by the Marine Commandos and a SAR demo.

The list of participating nations in Milan 2014 included Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Seychelles, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Thailand.

'The objective of Passex is to develop common procedures that would help in better co-ordination when the navies sail together for a common purpose. When operating together every participant has to understand the codes or there is possibility of chaos. NATO and other organisations have already got manuals. We sit together and try to lay down certain rules,' an official said.
(By: Economic Times)

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