No Excuse to Put Off Military Modernisation - | Indian Army News,Indian & International Defence News

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

No Excuse to Put Off Military Modernisation

Defence minister A K Antony’s announcement that the IAF’s multi-combat aircraft deal cannot be inked this year because of financial constraints means that the modernisation of the military has once again been put on hold. This does not redound to the credit of the government which has not managed its finances well. While it has entered into deals with defence suppliers for a variety of items from aircraft to guns, the capital expenditure budgets of the Indian armed forces have more or less remained static. There is a mismatch between the need for arms and ammunition and the availability of money, which is a pointer to the lack of planning.

Apart from the multi-combat aircraft, the Army needs, for instance, towed artillery, which, unfortunately, is also out of the budget this year. An impression seems to have gained ground in government thinking that modernisation of the military can wait, as has been manifested in the defence spending cut. What all this suggests is that there is utter confusion in the government about what need to be bought for the military and paid for this year. Ideally, there should have been greater coordination between the military which needs the equipment and the finance ministry which needs to make provision for it. Indigenisation of defence production is now more a dream than reality. Otherwise, precious foreign exchange could have been saved by reducing such imports.

The proposal to have a joint chief of staff has been hanging fire for a long time, although reports had come that the government had cleared the proposal. Such a post would help in bringing about greater integration among the three armed forces. The “doctrine of jointness” will also pay dividends in terms of spending. It is difficult to believe that modernisation of the military can wait till some halcyon days when there will be a lot of money. The situation in India’s neighbourhood is unsettled now, not in the future. In case of any eventuality, India will have to square up to the situation. The military must, therefore, be brought up to the mark.
(By: The Indian Express)

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