IDN TAKE: AFTER URI HOW PAKISTAN CAN BE CUT TO SIZE AND PUNISHED? - | Indian Army News,Indian & International Defence News

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016


AT the Kozhikode BJP rally Indian prime minister modi again warned Pakistan than India will not forget the martyrdom of the 19 Indian soldiers in Uri as a result of Pakistan sponsored jihadist attack on army administrative camp on Sunday 18 Sep. one of the leading magazines of India, India Today in their Oct 3 issue has come out with an article titled ‘How To Punish Pakistan”written by two of their editors Raj Chengappa and Sandeep Unnithan. In sum total it is a total trash. The main theme of this article is that we should allow Pakistan to do what it feels like because all options that we have to punish Pakistan are no options at all and are bound to fail. They further surmise that any overt action may result in nuclear war in which billions will die. One is aghast that how misinformed and clueless Indian media is on matters military. So what wonder that we are always only reacting to the Pakistani perfidy? More than 5,000 army persons and 72,000 civilians have been martyred in Kashmir alone since 1988 when Pakistan launched this proxy war on us. This is a very big price to pay. Despite being a nuclear power ourselves, which should be great deterrent to any country trying to act funny with us , like we are deterred to act against Pakistan due to its nuclear capability, Pakistan continues to pursue its proxy war on us undeterred? There is something basically wrong in our response which till date has been only reactive thus emboldening Pakistan. For a change the current Modi Government for the first time in last 38 years is now going proactive a welcome change.

This article of India Today harps only on one issue that we should concentrate on our homeland security. They have no clue that no amount of home land security, barbed wire fencing, anti personal radars, electrification of fencing and what have you will be able to stop the cross border terror attacks if India does not raise the cost of these terror attacks to Pakistani army and ISI as unbearable. Today while Indian Army is losing its trained soldiers, Pakistani Army is just lording over and enjoying. Their war is being fought by the jihadists who are basically cannon fodder for Pakistani army. The day we make Pakistani army bleed they will get down to their knees and this proxy war will end. Need of the hour is for us to make the life of Pakistani Army hell. There is no need to go for an overt war or surgical strikes to start with .However it is very necessary that we must go proactive in our diplomatic, economic and coercive means. Military option must be kept ready but to implement it or not this choice should be ours while Pakistan must be kept guessing and always on tenterhooks. We should not forget the Basic principal of war that it is not the war but the threat of going to war which gets maximum results. Already a nervous Pakistan is overflying its F-16s on Islamabad and has stopped all civilian flights on its northern borders. India can take following covert measures to deal with Pakistan. These are in addition to the diplomatic, economic and other non lethal measures which must go on simultaneously.

During the time of Indira and Rajiv Gandhi, Indian intelligence agency RAW had the same capability as CIA, MOSSAD, ISI and others of carrying out covert intelligence and destabilizing operations in the form of Counter Intelligence Team-X (CIT-X) within borders of other countries. Our Pakistan born short term Prime Minster IK Gujral removed this and defanged the RAW. This can only happen in India. This capability must be reintroduced in RAW from immediate effect. RAW must be made a inter service organisation and not just the domain of police people who are clueless on matters military.RAW must work under parliament and not under PMO.

India must go in for augmenting its artillery with 155mm Medium guns having 40 kms range. we must use these guns is clusters firing across the borders on daily basis all along 768 km long LOC with an aim to destroy Pakistani Army locations as also jihadist forward staging camps. Along with them we must use multi barrel rocket launchers with 90 km range. This apart from bleeding Pakistani army will deter any jihadist within 40 km of LOC. We must also launch military reconnaissance satellites to keep this 90 km area from LOC under intense watch.

There should be no restriction on Army not to cross LOC in hot pursuit or on purpose to inflict casualties on Pakistani army within 30-40 km distance that can be covered by own artillery fire. Of course we should have sufficient deniability.

Any jihadist attack on India in Kashmir Valley or elsewhere must be followed by counter jihadist attack on Pakistan within 48-72 hours. For this we will have to cultivate TPP which is operating against Pakistan army and Baluch insurgents as also in POK. We cannot sit on high moral ground and keep on losing our trained soldiers as also civilians to Pakistani Jihadists. Forget about the passive advice of Ex Indian NSA Mr Narayanan during Congress regime that India must act maturely and not indulge in these things. Toady all major powers including China are indulging in it so why should we be left out? This is a typical Policia advice from a policeman.

Implement CDS system in India immediately that can give one window military and strategic advice to our political masters.

India has the second largest police force in the world but it is highly politicized and corrupt. Law& Order being a state subject and limited brain state Indian netas lording over this police who consider it their personal army, it is incapable of dealing with any internal terror threat or gathering proactive intelligence. Terror both internal and external must be brought under con current list of state and center. For this Indian constitution needs to be amended. Center must raise a separate force under NIA with permanent cadre who should be part of central Counter Terror Center with powers to arrest anybody from anywhere in India on suspicion of terror. India must have a separate Homeland security ministry. We must understand that we have yet not seen and faced the full onslaught of terror due to jihadists involved in Afghanistan also. Once Afghan problem gets resolved one way or the other we will then face the real music.

Finally Indian Army must dominate the 768 km long LOC in Kashmir by being pro active. This will force Pakistan to deploy more troops on our borders thereby we ensure that they thin out in Baluchistan and Sidh thus the local jihadists there getting more opportunity to sort out and bloody this Pakistani Army.
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