LCA TEJAS Set To Conduct Crucial Bomb Tests - | Indian Army News,Indian & International Defence News

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Thursday, September 15, 2016

LCA TEJAS Set To Conduct Crucial Bomb Tests

The latest on the front of indigenously developed Light Combat Aircraft, TEJAS is very heartening. LCA TEJAS, which after its astonishing and eye opening aerobatic performance at the Bahrain International Airshow 2016 in February is now touted for several critical inert bomb tests.

IDN has learnt from highly placed sources that two TEJAS jets have been dispatched to Jamnagar for the preparation of Tandem bombing release tests. During the same exercise, TEJAS will also carry out the all important Griffin Laser Guided Bomb drop tests.

What will seem ordinary and routine to the pilot will actually be a “monumental achievement” for the much delayed Light Combat Aircraft program. A modern, jet-powered combat aircraft is nothing if it cannot put weapons on a target, and these two varied weapons release tests will be a moment of truth for the fighter, which until now only released weapons in development and operational testing.

It is worthy to note that TEJAS has participated in Hot Weather, Cold Weather, Iron Fist, Weapon Trials comprising of Bomb releases in CCRP/CCIP, R73E missile launching in MMR/HMDS Guided Mode, Stick bombing and separation trials of emergency Jettison of multiple stores/Drop tank conducted at various location in India.

TEJAS had earlier successfully test fired the BVRAAM Derby missile. While the ground integration of fifth generation Air-to-Air Close Combat Missile, Python 5 is over; its aerial trials is slated to be completed very soon. All the aforementioned form a part of the FOC consent.

India is eyeing export market for light combat aircraft, TEJAS has been much awaited by the IAF to replace its dwindling fighter squadrons and obsolete fighter fleet.

Source : IDN

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