KEEN ON SUPPLYING FIGHTER JETS TO IAF: SAAB - | Indian Army News,Indian & International Defence News

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Saturday, November 12, 2016


The global CEO of SAAB Hakan Buskhe who is in India currently said, we will be able to offer the best technology to India and are keen on supplying fighter jets to IAF.

The race to supply the Indian Air Force with up to 200 single engine fighter jets is heating up.After Lockheed Martin, Swedish defense giant SAAB has thrown its hat into the ring as well. For the supply of single engine fighter jets, India is left with only two options- either to go with Lockheed Martin with F16’s or SAAB with the Gripen.

The global CEO of SAAB Hakan Buskhe who is in India currently meeting with government officials told CNBC-TV18 that the company is ready to transfer the entire product planning capability to India and export from here to countries like Brazil, Czech Republic and Thailand as part of its off-set commitment.

We will be able to offer the best technology to India, said Buskhe and are keen on supplying fighter jets to IAF. Indian will be our export hub if we win the contract, he said adding that they would do for India what they have done for Brazil.

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