India to Establish Domestic Maintenance and Repair for S-400 Air Defence Systems: Sources - | Indian Army News,Indian & International Defence News

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Thursday, June 27, 2024

India to Establish Domestic Maintenance and Repair for S-400 Air Defence Systems: Sources

India is set to bolster its strategic defence capabilities by establishing domestic maintenance and repair facilities for its S-400 Triumf air defence systems. According to a reliable source within the Indian defence industry, an agreement is nearing finalization between an Indian company and the Russian manufacturer Almaz-Antey.

The venture is structured as a joint initiative, with the Russian company providing essential technical expertise and aiding in the setup of the required infrastructure. This collaboration aims to establish a self-sufficient framework for maintaining the sophisticated S-400 systems within India's borders.

India's acquisition of the S-400 systems began in 2018 with a deal to procure five squadrons. Three squadrons have already been delivered and strategically deployed across the country to safeguard against potential aerial threats from neighboring nations. The remaining two squadrons are expected to be integrated into the Indian Air Force within the next year or two.

The S-400 system is renowned for its ability to intercept a wide range of aerial threats, including aircraft, missiles, and drones, within a remarkable range of 2 to 400 kilometers. This advanced capability significantly enhances India's air defence network, providing a robust shield against potential incursions.

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